Content creation and copywriting services
When it comes to website content, quality is a key factor. Nothing does more damage to a brand, product, or service than poorly written or worse inaccurate content.
Users interested in your business pay close attention to the choice of words you use and how easy it is to read. Certain phrases may be inappropriate to some or even offensive. It’s a sure-fire way of losing good business. Whether answering a question, replying to an email, or social media tweets, concise well-written work is essential.
Every message you send speaks to your target audience and portrays your intended mission, values, and commitment to the customer. Our team at Digitally Awesome has been hand-picked for their various areas of expertise. All areas of business affairs are covered from imaginative creative writing to complex detailed specifications. Predominantly our writers are here to create content that engages readers. The tone and style of their editorials depend heavily on the type of product, service, or image your business is presenting. We work hand in hand with your sales department to supply content that supports your marketing techniques.

Our copy write professionals possess decades of experience spanning a wide variety of writing styles. Hundreds of our clients have benefited from their highly creative writing skills which ultimately end in revenue gains.
Ways in which Digitally Awesome’s copywriting team can help your business.

Sometimes business is lost if your descriptions are bewildering to the reader. Our team specializes in taking overly complex terminology and simplifying it in ways the average reader can relate to. Our team enables readers’ understanding through creative comparisons which strengthen and reiterate the point trying to be conveyed. The simplification of descriptive text also helps Google’s bots and algorithms identify and direct your content to targeted audiences. Carefully chosen words, phrases, and sentences all work towards your online presence and significantly higher returns.

Text expansion
We study your business model and expand your text accordingly. In this way we can turn a simple description or explanation into a whole marketing campaign, giving you products and services a theme that echoes across your entire online presence. Whereas text simplification accurately directs your products to specific users, text expansion notably extends your online reach. Text extensions provide readers with information critical for decision-making. It can also be used as a method of linking online pages enticing potential clients closer to an all-important sale.

Our writing and Project Managers work together with your relevant departments and key staff to gain a complete understanding of your business. Then - and only after your consent - our visionary writers are given the task of transforming your online descriptive and informational text. Our newly constructed narrative will always be available to you for approval and feedback. If you decide that the direction we are taking doesn’t perfectly reflect your business aims we will edit our subject matter through further consultation and redirection.

We specialize in proofreading with highly skilled academics who devote their entire skills to this one aspect of editing. This results in faultless script revisions and a crisp sharp editorial image. This service also includes any copyright infringements, plagiarism, and incorrect information. Your site may have been written by a number of different people, this can result in a non-coherent, disjointed feel for the reader lacking continuity. Our proofreading team expertly pinpoint these areas by adding leading lines connecting content that otherwise seem detached.
Marketplace heterogeneity
Digitally Awesome has provided narrative content for clients in the following areas of business.




Health care



Marketing & advertising

Real estate



Writing style and tone depend heavily on the type of industry being portrayed. Users looking for goods and services in an online shopping format require enlightened inspiring information helping them to make well-informed purchase decisions. Someone looking for financial advice would find facts and figures far more relevant. Many styles are necessary when communicating an idea for Marketing and advertising, Needless to say, whatever your business we realize the winning formula.
Our editorial team is constantly developing and reinventing new writing styles and trendsetting techniques. Their individual strengths are combined to form an extensive wide-reaching knowledge of the written form. Your business may benefit from one highly specialized member of the team whose expertise far exceeds their co-writers. In other cases, a more collaborative approach may be required to research your unique business objectives.
We see the value in acquiring writers’ skills in-house. Freelancers tend to lack quality and reliability. The unpredictable nature of external copy detracts from branded or themed continuity. A team with intimate knowledge of each other’s strengths combined with past experience makes a profound difference.
Our writing team benefits from interdepartmental relationships with our strategic and project managers. Each member of the entire team is continually cross-checking data to ensure misconceptions and inaccuracies are made. Together they conduct deep research of your company’s history and brand whilst simultaneously communicating with your key staff.
In order to describe your staff and introduce them accurately, we employ an informal interview technique with the use of our own Professional Photographers. Businesses that have a need to share the achievements of their staff and portray them both verbally and visually benefit greatly from this innovative approach. Valuable information of your team’s skill set and history is gained through this process and further enlightens us of your company’s key values and goals.
All our content writers receive affiliate marketing training so they are fully averse with Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Through this training blogs and scripts of all forms can profit from related keywords, content mapping, and target audience interaction. All SEO components are taken into account including images and metadata.

Although the business has its own form of writing style, the ability to adapt and be flexible is very important. We utilize the following content styles in our copywriting services.
Content in the form of blogs and articles is the foundation of an online marketing blueprint. Blogs share valuable updates, promotions, and price changes. They both inform and encourage conversation which in turn spikes interest in search engines. Blogs often reach potential new customers unaware of your brand or services. Articles you post can also be published on authoritative third-party affiliated sites expanding your reach and brand awareness even further. Digitally Awesome is an industry leader in this area. Writing your content is just the beginning of an ever-expanding field of potential. Our algorithmic technologies are state of the art and provide your business with an online master tool.
Obtaining new leads and inbound traffic is a vital part of the growth of your company, persuading new customers to part with their credentials is no easy feat these days. By offering free assets such as EBooks, training videos or technical documents often is the lure that does just that. Armed with your promotional material our writers and Project managers will assess and implement the right lead magnet for your needs.
Satisfied customers often offer their thoughts and feelings as a sign of appreciation. Illustrating their content on your site provides future business potential and distills trust in your company. Case studies are a key element in any marketing strategy. These customers are literal assets adding huge value to your brand; their contributions show you in the best light. We can help assess and select customer reviews that yield the most impact to the right customers.
Presentations are yet another area our business writers can provide impactful material, any variant of digital media is at our disposal including Google Slides, Hard copy PDFs, video conferencing software, or just about any other medium your company chooses to use. A collaboration between our Graphics department and the writer combines to produce an exquisite presentation. This service can be redesigned for all fields of industry and education.
Getting your message across to your target audience whether they are customers, shareholders, suppliers, or your internal staff in a fast but professional way is vital when revealing a press release. This form of information sharing has been around since business started and is still more than relevant now. We can support your business’s communications needs with written content and distribution across a huge number of digital media outlets. This form of journalistic material requires skilled personnel to deliver the right tone and style to the reader or observer. The press release template form we offer delivers all the features a broadcast of this style requires and can be duplicated for further announcements both swiftly and coherently. There are no boundaries when releasing statements digitally, our video and image interface technology brings this form into an ultra-modern state of information sharing.

Our social media blueprint spans all major platforms. We cover all the favorite sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many many more. The conversations that constantly update are marketing gold dust. Strength in this indispensable field of digital information should be all business’s goal. You can wager that your competitors are taking full advantage of this huge source of potential. We’ve transformed companies’ online social media presence and expanded their reach markedly. Our social media campaign strategies are crafted around each specific site to obtain the highest yielding results. Making use of social media puts you in touch with your customers in ways no other form of digital marketing can. Their loyalty to your brand or service is like having a whole new workforce.

Videos are setting the stage for a revolution in advertising products. We foresee a future where video is the go-to source for intimate personalized trusted information. However poorly shot or narrated material can do more harm than good. We can’t emphasize this point enough. We employ our own professional photographers and scriptwriters specifically for this task. Their expertise and knowledge of targeting users with images and portrayals of personal reviews and accounts have transformed our client’s whole marketing campaigns. Part two of the process involves creating a traffic pathway to them. These strategies are explained extensively above and use the same digital marketing tools but with substantially more closing impact.
Search engine optimization is a complex subject, in order to effectively reap the rewards of Google’s robots and algorithms sentences have to be analyzed by their parts to express their syntactic roles. This form of rephrasing is a specialized skill and requires written content by writers with a deep understanding of how search engines operate. Your landing page is the face of your company; it’s where your potential clients and customers are introduced to you and your products. More often than not this initial introduction is a make-or-break opportunity to close a sale. Your home page needs to be relevant and comprehensive, it needs to cover all aspects of your services and enlighten users with the information they need to make informed decisions.
A well-structured landing page with appropriate information written in the language that stimulates Google’s auto-search algorithms will increase the visibility of your site and generate exponential traffic. Editing a landing page so that it engages both the reader and Google’s bots must be a symbiotic relationship. In this way, all boxes are ticked. Your site’s exposure to new business and content that is easily relatable to viewers. The Digitally Awesome landing page team knows all the tricks of the trade. Employing the services of our experts to write, design, and implement your home page is a cost-effective high yielding choice.

Your online campaign is an ever-changing, expanding journey with unlimited potential; it’s the keystone in a modern digital world. Every aspect of our lives is affected in some way by the internet phenomenon, and business has to be fully immersed and versed in its complexities.
Digitally Awesome provides an entire spectrum of services covering every facet of digital marketing and advertising. Our copyright term of hand-picked experts and specialists play a key role in our business. Their foundational work is the stepping stone to the creation of an all-encompassing online presence with outstanding performance.
Contact us for an initial no-obligation introduction to our services and team and see how our cost-effective digital solutions generate unlimited potential.