10 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know About for 2022

2021 had been a turbulent year for business and the world. But with the global pandemic seeing promising signs it’s time to start thinking about your strategy for 2022. Pressing needs to find solutions have brought about a technological revolution in many sectors and your marketing plans could benefit from this trend.
The out view for business in the coming years is one of optimism, owners are looking to and innovation as a catalyst for growth.
Within the digital marketing industry, the evolution of artificial intel has developed in leaps and bounds with new opportunities for online marketing. Consumer search habits have also evolved along with higher expectations.
Digitally Awesome’s services and packages see a bright future for online marketing in the following ways.
1. Data-Driven Technology
Consumer perceptions have changed dramatically over the past 5 years. The use of digital data to optimize shopping online is no longer seen as an invasion of privacy and more of a productive tool. Those businesses that offer advanced technologies to add to the customer experience are likely to inherit new trade.
Whether you like it or not AI is becoming an integrated part of all our lives. In fact, we have become dependent on it. This, however, does not have to be a bad thing. New tech developments do make life easier and more convenient. It offers users a vast amount of information to make smarter chooses.
Here’s how we see AI transforming digital marketing in the coming years.
- AI will accurately product customer trends and variables, the likelihood of leads, and certain actions.
- Artificial customer service agents driven by UX chatbots.
- Increase endpoint purchases from online shopping carts.
- Artificial content additions.
- Anticipate performance outcomes
- Predictive content targeting
- Improved auto admin tasks
2. Innovative Searches
How many times have you done an online search only to find that it is there before you even start? This is an example of AI predictability and customer intent. Voice searches are becoming more the norm for users who find it a convenient way to interact. AI is seeing signs of tone and intonation recognition which can detect a person’s probable intentions. Voice searches are increasing year over year with techs such as Alexa, Siri, and Google assistant. Stats show that almost half of all internet searches are done by this method. It isn’t hard to see where this is going.
Image recognition is also dramatically improving search capabilities, consumers looking for specific items but without the necessary descriptive content can share pictures that are deciphered by AI. This has greatly improved the ability of online shoppers to find what they are looking for. Pinterest is a good example of how this technology can improve the consumer experience.
3. Video Marketing
A picture paints a thousand words so they say, so what does a moving picture paint? Videos are without a doubt one of the best forms of advertising products. The sheer amount of information passed to the customer is unparalleled. Although video advertising is nothing new the fact that it still stands out as the ultimate information tool remains. The quality of the video is improving all the time and we see this trend continuing into the future. 70% of video content is shared by users, this is a strong indication that not only vital purchase decision information is received but consumers are entertained at the same time. Opinion polls show that consumers are far more likely to make purchases after being reassured of the products worth through videos.
Video provides more than just product facts, they can also be used for testimonials, customer service, and podcasts. Google rates websites with embedded videos higher than those without, especially when they are shared. Most template websites come with build-in HTML-ready video content facilities along with the coded text to post. Imbedding video content is relatively easy to do, but far more important is the quality itself. Statistics show that high-quality video footage done professionally leads to purchases. Consider using Digitally Awesome’s professional photography services for a cost-effective return on investment.
4. Predictive Modeling and Augmented Analytics
Consumer habits are heavily influenced by data-driven marketing. Augmented logic diagnostics have been shown to successfully predict customer purchase intent and varying trends. Using this technology gives businesses a clear competitive market edge.
A prime example of this technology in action is Amazon Assistant. By recommending products they sell to consumers directly from a Google Chrome extension they have effectively created a digital salesman that literally asks you to rethink their purchases. This simultaneous intervention has increased their endpoint sales by a factor of magnitude. Delivery and other sales-related information is also sent to the customer as a continuation of the service.
5. Geofence
Geofencing is a method of targeting online users when they move in and out of specific geographical locations by using GPS and RFID technology. Real-time information can be sent via mobile phones to email, SMS, social media, and downloaded apps. Geofencing provides at-point information at the right time.
An example of this would be someone looking for a Mcdonald’s in an online search but a Burger King is in the vicinity, (Burger King’s virtual geographic boundary). An ad would appear alerting the user of its presence, location, and promotions. 50% of Geofencing activity results in alternative sales. The advent of 5G will only strengthen this digital marketing method.
6. Augmented Reality
AR is revolutionizing the way we shop. The current global situation has only reinforced its importance by allowing consumers to do their shopping from the comfort of their own homes. Examples of this include virtual fitting rooms whereby customers can try clothing as viewed from a mobile app. Virtual furniture can be inserted into the home giving customers an idea of how it would look in the real world. These images can then be shared on social media with embedded logos promoting your brand. Optical products like prescription glass can be virtually worn before making a purchase. Your current eye health can be downloaded and consigned examples can be sent and bought all without leaving the home. Augmented Reality is in its infancy but already its application is undeniably engrossing.
7. Omnichannel Commerce Plus Shoppable Posts
Whether you are in a store or shopping online, having information about the product you’re looking for gives you the power to purchase correctly. Over 70% of consumers use Multichannel commerce whilst shopping for products. Apps such as Instagram and use this to great effect by offering image and text detecting technologies. This information comes – of course – with product alternatives that fit their agenda. Online shoppers are also targeted when they view images of interest.
“Ahh I see, you’d like one of these would you, may I suggest this one, it’s cheaper and has a high approval rating”?
The right ad at the right time, and all just a click away.
8. Content Marketing
One of or if not the most important marketing tool is content, but not any old content. Your content – to be promoted and recognized by Google – needs to be original, authoritative, and trustworthy. The more detailed, truthful, and informative your descriptions are, the more online presence they will get in return, this philosophy is known as E-A-T.
Research Keywords with similar definitions that reinforce your ideas and phrases. Split testing to ensure you’re using the best version of marketing online. Make marketing alternates and see which performs better. Try various forms of Tags and Metadata, it will all underpin your strategic goals.
9. Personalized Advertising
Targeted advertising works, surveys show that nearly all consumers find ad targeting helpful in their searches. Targeted ads collect customer shopping habit data to access their interests. With this powerful tech, businesses can find customers who show interest in your product or service which has far more potential for closing sales.
10. Social Messaging Apps
Billions of people use social media on a daily basis, WhatsApp has 2 billion subscribers alone. To ignore this highly lucrative market is a business disaster. Targeted ad placed on these social sights yields high rewards and provide a cost-effective marketing strategy. Be sure to add this to the list.
The digital marketing tools mentioned here are a fact of life. If you are not using them you can bet your competitors are. And in that case, they are beating you to the prize every time through intervention offering a better deal, better quality at a better price.
Fortunately, there is a solution, by using the online services of Digitally Awesome you not only get the competitive edge, but you will also see increased sales, impactful market penetration and recognition, vastly more online presence, and brand awareness. All this at a subscribed monthly price that pales in comparison to returns. Our technologies are at the cutting edge and never stop evolving. Our marketing strategies have proven results throughout our entire client base. We provide digital solutions to all businesses both big and small will packages tailored to your needs and budget.
Take this unique opportunity in history and capitalize on it. Our transformative services are just a click away.
For all your Digital Marketing needs contact Digitally Awesome.